Friday, 30 September 2016

Fall Field Day

What an awesome day!! : ) Thanks for being so great..... we had the best time and hope you did too! Here are some photos from today. Just a reminder that Math homework is due on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend : )




Thursday, 29 September 2016

Science / Math

Today we finished our conclusions on our lab from Tuesday, and then started on solubility vocabulary. You can revisit this vocabulary on Tuesday next week - it is NOT for homework.

HOMEWORK: All the math stations we have completed up to now are due on Monday. Mrs. Krushel and Miss. Noullett will be doing a journal assessment and are looking forward to seeing your completed work.

Budget your time, have a great night, and we are SO excited for Fall Field Day tomorrow!! Dress warm : )


Today we had a quiz on worldview. We are super proud of you - you all tried so hard and we appreciate the effort.

We also worked on our good copy of our flashwrite. This is due tomorrow morning in homeroom. It should be typed, or REALLY nicely written.

Here are the numbers 5-8 in case you lost your sheet:

5. Six adjectives
6. Four adverbs
7. Eight Conjunctions
8. Four subject/predicate reversals.

Good luck!

Terry Fox and Fall Field Day at HDC

On Friday, September 30, HD Cartwright will once again be participating in the Terry Fox run.  As a school community, we will rally together to raise awareness for cancer research.  As a part of the event, we a thrilled to also be supporting a locally developed, owned, and operated business, Family Freezed.  Bring $3.00 to purchase delicious frozen yogurt bars with $1.00 from every purchase made being donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


While Humanities is definitely priority tonight, here is what we completed in Math today in case you are extra keen and want to finish everything up. We did integer stations. Here is the station sheet:


Here is the foldable for "Math by Self" as well:



Today we completed a grammar worksheet and then continued our work on our Flashwrite draft #1. We completed steps 1-7 and our now working on the 5-8 steps on the bottom of the worksheet. Your second draft of your Flashwrite is due at the beginning of homeroom on Friday. 

Here is the worksheet again if you have lost it:

We also chatted about worldview today. You have a quiz tomorrow. You will be analyzing a culture, and then explaining that culture's worldview through the different factors we have identified this week. It is highly recommended to look over your worldview factor chart tonight. I showed an example on the board of what you will be doing, using The Gods Must be Crazy. Here is the example:

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Today we analyzed a political cartoon and wrote observations in our journal. We then had a great discussion - thanks for those who participated so enthusiastically! Here is what your journal should look like:

We also completed a sheet based on the posters we have created on worldview factors. Here are the posters in case you didn't finish your notes in class today as well as the chart:



Monday, 26 September 2016


Today we worked on stations. To reduce the amount of work you have to do, complete them tonight. You may have a bit of time to complete the stations on Wednesday, but we highly recommend you do some Math tonight and complete what you did not get done. 

Here are the stations in case you missed them, lost them, etc.



Today we completed another Flash Write. We then went back, chose a piece of writing we have done, and then completed the worksheet given. We circles nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and underlined subjects and predicates. This is homework and should be done for tomorrow. 

Here is what your page should look like:

We then worked on worldview posters. They look great. They should also be done for tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing your work tomorrow. Have a good night!

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Homeroom reminders:

Glenbow Fieldtrip forms are PAST due. Please bring them in ASAP so you can come on the field trip.

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend :)

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Homework: Please make sure your current events worksheet is complete for tomorrow. Please have it stapled/glued in your journal at the start of class tomorrow.

Reminder: It is a half day tomorrow and you do not have school on Friday due to Meet the Teacher.

Have a great night! :)

Tuesday, 20 September 2016


We will be continuing with our Math stations tomorrow. Good work so far. Reviewing your notes tonight would be a great some IXL practice with multiplying integers. Trying some division questions would get you ahead of the game!

In Science we started going over classification of matter. We will continue this conversation tomorrow. No official homework tonight.


Great job on your grammar quiz today! Just remember.....Mrs. Boucher and Miss. Noullett are the grammar police so make sure to check your written work before you hand it in!!

Today in Humanities we started our work on the factors that affect worldview. We will continue with this tomorrow. Here are the notes if you missed them:

HOMEWORK: Please find AND READ one article relating to the fentanyl crisis. Think about it from different angles....economic, health, and societal. Looking forward to hearing about the articles that you read.

Monday, 19 September 2016


Today we went over multiplying integers. After reflecting on your Math strips, we reviewed how to model multiplying by negative and positive numbers. We also talked about APE Math. Here are the notes. I have also included your Monday Math strip.....hopefully after today it is less difficult to complete!

We will be doing one period of Math tomorrow to finish your stations, and one period of Science. Please ensure you have your Science vocabulary printed and ready to go for tomorrow. Have a good night! :)


Today in Hum we went over grammar rules. We talked about nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, subjects, conjunctions, and predicates. Here are the notes:

Tomorrow you have a grammar quiz based on the information you learned today. Please review your notes tonight.

Also, here is a link with online quizzes that test your grammar skills. It is very helpful and we recommend using it!
Grammar Quizzes

Friday, 16 September 2016

Over the Weekend.....

Happy Friday!! Just a reminder:

1. Your "The Gods Must Be Crazy" paragraph is due on Monday.

2. Your Science vocabulary chart is due Monday. 


Please manage your time appropriately this weekend. We are looking forward to seeing your finished work Monday.

Sneak in some time for some fun too - have a great weekend!

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Today we worked on vocabulary. You were emailed a chart and were asked to fill it out with a definition, a picture, and your own definition to help you remember the word. Please have this chart filled out by Monday. You do not have Math/Science tomorrow due to the pancake breakfast so please budget your time this weekend to complete your homework.

Have a great night!

Homeroom Reminder!

Please return your signed Glenbow fieldtrip forms as soon as possible. We are also looking for volunteers. If any parents are able to volunteer please contact Ms. Noullett at

Thanks! :)


Today we chatted about homework expectations, as well as written expectations. We went over an exemplar of what was expected for our writing task. We highlighted key details and important parts of a written task. This is what your journal should look like:

Your good copy is due Monday. You have tonight, and the weekend to complete it. This is your first written assessment for Humanities. We are looking forward to reading the best writing you can do!!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Today in Math we were introduced to multiplying integers. We used integer chips to help model multiplying positive and negative numbers, and then wrote out the steps to correctly completing the problems.

Here is an example of what your journal should look like after today:

If you were away, please copy this into your Math journal. It would be a good idea to do some practice questions tonight,  and tomorrow. Try some division questions - is the pattern the same? + x + = +?/ - x + = -?/ - x - = +?


Today we finished our discussion, based off the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy". We filled out the chart we made in our journals. Here is a copy of the notes in case you were absent:

You then received a writing task, and were asked to complete it for tomorrow. We expect Grade 8 level writing. Here is the task and an organizer to go with it. 

The expectation is that this is done for tomorrow. If you did not finish it, this is homework. Looking forward to seeing your writing tomorrow!


Yesterday we had a discussion and filled out a chart that outlined the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. This was a review from Grade 7. We then finished our lab from Friday, including sketches and explanations of why liquids and gases flow.

We then asked you to write down and/or draw what you remember from the particle model in Grade 7. This would be something you could go over tonight - google, read the textbook, etc. to get ahead for tomorrows class. 

Here is a copy of the notes if you were not here. Print off, or copy this into your journal for future reference.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Today we chatted more about worldview and then watched a part of "The Gods Must Be Crazy".
We were introduced to the formula:


You were asked in your journal to jot down your ideas about the worldview of the Khalahari Bushmen during isolation, describing "the contact", and then explaining what changed about their worldview.  Use a chart, like this:

Start thinking about what "factors" that maybe would affect worldview. This is something we will be discussing in the future.

If you would like to watch the piece of the movie again, here is the link: (we usually watch about 15 minutes of it - just the beginning).

The Gods Must Be Crazy

Monday, 12 September 2016


Today we chatted about a current event (very seriously) and then continued with our worldview inventory sheets. We then watched a video, and started talking about experience, and how it affects worldview. We will continue this tomorrow. Great work today!

Here is the link to the video if you want to watch it again:

Worldview Video

Here is the powerpoint slide that we ended with today. If you didn't get a chance to fully copy down your opinion, please do so tonight and then you can staple it in your journal tomorrow.


Today in Math we individually completed the following questions, and then created number sentences, word sentences, models, and real life scenarios in a group. Our integer work was awesome today.

If you would like to get ahead for Wednesday, do some zero pair and multiplying integer questions on IXL/Khan Academy. If you notice a pattern, note it in your journal and then we can discuss on Wednesday. Tomorrow we are doing Science.

If you were away today, please complete the following in your Math journal.


Thursday, 8 September 2016


Happy International Literacy Day!

Today we walked the Cougar K, had a class discussion about social literacy, read a short story, and then worked on our name graffiti. We will have more time tomorrow to complete the graffiti. :)

Here is a link to short story we read:

Thank you Mam

Here is the graffiti name website:

Name in Graffiti Style

And here are the video tutorials:

Odd Music Tutorial

Michael or Jack Video

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Great chat today in Humanities! You have already shown us you are excellent debaters and thinkers. We are impressed.

Here are pictures of the sticky note activity we did today. Make sure you are thinking about these words, and what they mean to you, coming into class tomorrow.
Have a great night!