Friday, 16 June 2017

Short Story Project

Today we continued our work on our Short Story individual task.

A rough copy of your personal response should be done for Monday. Here is an organizer if you need it:

Personal Written Reflection Organizer

Here are the steps:

Here is a link to "Literary Terms - Grade 8"
Literary Terms Grade 8

1.    Read a short story. Pick ONE of the list below.
2.    Find a partner who is reading the same story and follow the “Dialogue with a text” handout.
3.    Identify key literary elements and theme using the organizer provided below.
4.    Write a personal response based on your short story
5.    Present it in a Book Talk Format
6.    Answer questions from your classmates

# of Pages
Audio (if avaliable)
Shirley Jackson
Ray Bradbury
Edgar Allen Poe
W.W. Jacobs
Ray Bradbury
Anton Chekov
Plot Twists
Kate Chopin
Richard Connell

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

There will be a test for chapters 9-11 (Spain and Aztecs) on Thursday June 15. Please use the following resources that you already have for studying:

1. Chapter 9 Notes booklet
2. Chapter 10-11 Poster project booklet: The one where you collected notes off of the posters.

Here are some key terms you should understand for the test:

  • Worldview
  • Caliphate
  • God, Gold, Glory (And how they specifically link to Spain)
  • Conquistador
  • Viceroy
  • Encomienda
  • Malinche
  • Conquistador formula for conquering
  • Moctezuma (and his demise)
Here are some extra resources that may help you study:

Spanish Colonization of North America (Parts 1-3)

Spanish Conquistadors

Spanish Reconquista

Spanish Inquisition

Monday, 12 June 2017


Tomorrow your good copy of your personal reflection for "The Lady or The Tiger" is due Tomorrow!

The story can be located at The Lady or the Tiger.

Please refer to the previous blog for guidance should you require it.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Math Check-in Tomorrow

You have a Math check-in tomorrow on Algebra. You will have to solve and model a number of equations as well as complete some word problems. Please use the following questions to study tonight:

Pg. 378

19, 20, 22, 23, 27, and 28

Good luck!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Humanities- Homework

Today we began our grade eight short story unit.  Our first story, The Landlady by ROALD DAHL , was read aloud by Mrs. Boucher and Miss Noullett.

The Landlady

For homework, please complete a Personal Reflection for tomorrow.

Remember; a personal is very different from a PEC paragraph, we are looking for a personal response.  Make connections, support your ideas from the text, use your initial reactions and emotions to guide your thoughts and responses.

You might discuss:
  • how your response to the text changes as you read
  • things that puzzle you
  • connections to personal experiences, other texts or events in the world
  • references to the text, the author's craft, etc.
  • things that catch your attention
  • why you liked, or disliked the text
  • thoughts about the topic or message in the text

A sample start:

I reluctantly starting reading the story, The Landlady by Roald Dahl not at all interested in what I was being asked to read.  Immediately, my opinion shifted at the point in the story when.......................

Quality grade 8 writing
Proper Paragraphs
Supporting details from text

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Kananaskis Reminder

Please hand in your forms tomorrow for the Water Trip. Just a reminder to start thinking about what you will wear/bring. Please refer to the blog post down below for reminders on what you should be bringing.


Today we chatted about studying for your upcoming test on Monday. Please refer to your notes each night for at least 30 minutes to prepare. This test consists of multiple choice questions and a long answer. You will need to review the PEC paragraph structure this weekend as you will be assessed on organization as well as content during your exam.

Here is the link to the study guide you were given today:

Aztec Studying

Good Luck : )

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Water Trip Kananaskis

Our class has the amazing opportunity to go to Kananaskis next week on May 30th to participate in water quality testing in correlation with the Science Grade 8 Fresh and Salt Water Systems unit. They were given forms today to return ASAP to their Science teachers. Please take a look at the letter as it contains really important information about what to bring, expectations, etc.

Important information:

  • We are departing the school at 9:00 am and returning to school at around 2:30 pm.  
  • Please ensure that your child has a healthy lunch, snacks, and water for the day.  There WILL NOT be any place to purchase food or water and we will be eating our lunches on the bus. 
  • Weather in the mountains can change very quickly and often is very different from the weather in Calgary.
    • It is recommended that students have a warm jacket, gloves, and a hat, sunscreen as well as some clothing for rain.   
    • Proper footwear is also very important and we also recommended that each student wear rubber boats (or at least some sort of protective footwear) as we will be either “in” or “at the edge” of the Elbow River several times during the day. 

Forms must be returned on May 26th latest. We do need a parent volunteer, so if a parent is interested in helping us out and heading out to the mountains for the day please email Ms. Noullett at

Thank you and we can't wait for May 30th!


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

After reading the article titled, " At least 22 dead following "terrorist incident" at Ariana Grande concert, consider the following:

Imagine that a friend came to you concerned about the event in this article. What is one reassuring detail from the article that you could share with your friend? Explain why you think this detail is reassuring.

-      In an interview; there was some positive that was a result
    Think about:
-      Terrorist Attack history
-      Locations
-      Which groups are historically attacked or targeted?

Proper paragraph format includes:

Topic sentence (re-state the question, three reasons with evidence)  

**Here is a collection of articles that demonstrate the many ways people and communities heal and rebuild in times of tragedy. Might be good to use to supplement and enrich your writing.**

Responding to Tragedy

Due Tomorrow, Wednesday May 24th!

Friday, 19 May 2017

Ma/Sci Update

Hope you all are enjoying your Long Weekend...

There is a unit assessment on Wednesday, May 24th for Surface Area & Volume.  Please ensure that you start prepping for this early.  You have your SA & Volume check ins to refer to.  Please jump into Chapter Reviews/Practice Tests in your MathLinks book.  We did not work through isometric dot drawings so please disregard questions that incorporate that topic.

We are heading to Kananaskis on May 30th for our phenomenal water trip.  We will need volunteers!!  If you have a valid police clearance, and are able to help, we would love to have you join us.  We will be away from 9-2:30ish.  Please start looking ahead & planning your supplies....dressing for the weather is essential!!!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


Comprehension Assessments handing out today are due to be completed at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Remember that it is a short day tomorrow.  It is a 12:42pm!

Tomorrow is MUSICAL THEATER!!!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Today we continued to work on Chapter 8.

This is a copy of your Chapter 8 Aztec work. Please make your own copy in google drive and complete with a partner.

Aztec Chapter 8 (A Day in the Life Of)

Organizer if Needed

Here is a comic if you are super visual person : )
Aztec Comic

This is all due tomorrow Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Monday, 15 May 2017


You were all given an extra night to complete your homework. Please ensure it is done for tomorrow.

Today we worked on Chapter 8.

This is a copy of your Chapter 8 Aztec work. Please make your own copy in google drive and complete with a partner.

Aztec Chapter 8 (A Day in the Life Of)

Organizer if Needed

Here is a comic if you are super visual person : )
Aztec Comic

You will have time to work on this tomorrow. : )

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Humanities - IMPORTANT

On Monday you will be having a journal check. The following must be done:

1. Aztec Stations
2. Puns/Idioms/Oxymorons
3. Figurative language notes
4. Beatles lyric analysis.

Thanks and have a great weekend : )

Thursday, 11 May 2017


Identifying Figurative Language in Song Lyrics is due tomorrow, Friday, May 12th.   You need to have your Song written out, four figurative language highlighted, and explained.


We will be working on creating visuals in class.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The Home Stretch

We are on the home stretch with only a month and a bit being left in the school year.  It is extremely important that you ensure that all of your school supplies are topped up to end the school year.  Mrs. Krushel, Mrs. Boucher, and Miss Noullett are completely out of pencils, sharpies, rulers, calculators, paper, pencil crayons, and glue.  A quick trip to the Dollar Store, by all students, is a cost efficient way  to ensure that you are fully prepared to complete ALL class tasks until June 30th.

Please ensure that you have your own supplies!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Tuesday- Modified Schedule and Early Dismissal

Tomorrow is an early dismissal and modified schedule for ALL the students in our building.  Please see below so that you know where you need to be and so that you are prepared for the morning.

Grade 9s
Grade 8s
Grade 7
Snacks in homeroom
Cougar K
Cougar K
9:00-10:30 (Grade
7 & 8)


Wave 1 writes
Wave 2 Phys. Ed
Written assessment in HR
Written assessment in HR
7 & 8)


Wave 2 writes
Wave 1 Phys. Ed
Outside 10:45-11:42
CTF  11:45-12:42
CTF 10:45-11:42
Outside 11:45-12:42
Exam finishes

DISMISSAL FOR ALL GRADE 7&8's will be at 12:42pm.