Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Today we went over the body paragraph format. Here are the notes and some examples:


Tomorrow we will have a double period of Humanities to work on our body paragraphs. Great job on your intros!

Monday, 27 February 2017


Today we worked on introduction paragraphs. If you did not finish your introduction, it is homework and must be done for tomorrow.

Your essay will be due on Monday next week. This means you need to use your class time, get feedback, and use editing strategies to really knock it out of the park this week. Do not forget to use your two teachers for editing.

Good luck and have a good night!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Diffusion Stations

Great work on your stations today...especially your gummI bear predictions & observations!!

You will have time to finish them & pep them up tomorrow.


Today we completed diffusion stations. We looked at celery, gummY bears, and other examples of diffusion. Tomorrow we will finish up our stations. Great work and no homework tonight!


Today we introduced our essay writing unit. We went over what an introduction paragraph looks like, completed some guided example practice, and tomorrow will be starting to write our own. Here are notes because there were quite a few of you away and it was an important lesson!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Be Brave Hitman!

Hitmen and TELUS to take stand in first-ever BE BRAVE – Anti-Bullying Game and HDC will be there!

As part of the fun and educational experience, all those in attendance will hear personal stories of overcoming being a victim of bullying from:
  • Randy Chevrier, Calgary Stampeder alumnus and Dare to Care ambassador
  • Caroline Ouellette, Team Canada Olympian and CWHL Montreal Stars forward
Agenda for the day:

Be Brave Hitmen Trip Day Plans

8:20                       Regular Homeroom
8:30 – 9:15            Students stay in Homeroom to prepare for the day
9:15                        All students go to the gym – you will be called down – wait for the call
9:30                        Whole School Be Brave Dance Practice (including students not attending the                                        game)
9:40                       Students start getting on busses as directed
10:00                     Busses depart when all students are accounted for
10:30                     Arrive at the Saddledome and enter building

11:00 – 1:30         Hockey Game and Be Brave Event
1:30 – 1:45           Prepare to leave – all students meet with their connection adult
1:45 – 2:00           Get on busses to depart
2:00                       Depart Saddledome – after all students are accounted for
2:30 ish                 Arrive at HDC
2:30 – 3:00           All students go to HR’s to debrief the event

·         Students can visit kiosks, food stands and washrooms on the main concourse but need to remember that they represent HDC at all times
·         NO Food is provided by HDC – students can bring their own or buy it there


For Thursday:

1. All of your research completed for the three City-States (Genoa, Florence, and Venice)

2. Complete the ranking of each of the City-States based on the elements:
    a) Economic
    b) Political
    c) Cultural
    d) Social
    e) Demographics, Geography, Climate

The greater the effort put into completing this portion, the easier it will be for you as we move forward and use this research to write an essay!  :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Studying for Science

Here are some resources for studying for your midterm tomorrow:

1. Study questions:



2. Prezi with notes:

3. Quizlet flash cards and practice:
*make sure you are studying the vocabulary we have learned*

4. Vocabulary List:

5. Visual notes:

Monday, 13 February 2017


You have a Science midterm on Wednesday. We went through an outline today so you know exactly what to expect. This exam will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and short answer questions. Good luck studying. : )

Use this to study, it is a GREAT resource:

Topic one practice test: http://www.edquest.ca/pdf/8-21.pdf
Topic two practice test: http://www.edquest.ca/pdf/8-22.pdf
Topic three practice test: http://www.edquest.ca/pdf/8-23.pdf

Here is the link to the youtube video (boring :( that we watched today...)



Today you were given time to organize and sticky your journal for assessment. Please have this done for tomorrow.

Your city states research was due Friday. You were given a new comparison chart today. You will have time to work on it tomorrow.

Good luck organizing and pepping up your journal tonight.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Math / Science

Homework tonight:

1. You must complete your Science paragraph tonight. It is WAY over due.

2. Please complete the math sheet you were given in class today. You will have a check-in assessment tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017



Your paragraph is due tomorrow about the colors of carrots, snap peas, and onions. Why are they that specific color?

Please be specific and connect to Scientific concepts.


We have started a new unit! Pythagorean Theorem! 

We first have gone into perfect squares, squaring, and square roots.

Please have your Daily Three finished for tomorrow. Here it is in case you lost your sheet:


Great job today with your Literacy Rounds as well as with our class discussion about The Crusades and Italian City States.

We have started our project for this chapter. You were put into partners and have been asked to research two cities (one in Canada - modern day/ and one in Italy - Renaissance time period)

Here are the sheets:


These will help you research for your city-states project:

Best websites:





Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Homework and EXAM tomorrow:

We are really proud of your behavior at the play today. What an awesome field trip. Thanks for making it so great : )

Please review the following in order to be ready for tomorrow:


Your Crusades paragraph is due. Please have to shared and printed off ready to go tomorrow.


Your exam is tomorrow morning during Humanities. Please study tonight. Use your notes, booklet, IXL, Khan Academy, etc.

Good luck!!