We also read a great news article http://tweentribune.com/article/tween56/japan-autumn-means-parade-robot-puppets/ that tied nicely into what we have been exploring in our Japan unit. The role culture plays in Japanese lives. What influenced it? Hint hint.....we'll be talking more about this tomorrow.
Finally, we revisited how to write a Haiku.
First, think of a topic about nature. Think about the things that you have seen outside. Close your eyes and picture a moment outside and everything around you. Below, write down what you see and hear.
What in nature are you describing? ____________________________
Write down what you ‘see’ and ‘hear’: ____________________________
Now, make that shorter choosing less words: _____________________
Finally, fit it into three lines with the right amount of syllables:
_______________________________________________ 5 syllables
_______________________________________________ 7 syllables
_______________________________________________ 5 syllables
This was to get us ready to take the 2016 Grade 8 Haiku Championship!
Tomorrow we will vote on our top 5 and submit to the competition. All to prepare us as we take the
Yay for Haiku